Treatments Available For:
Laser Hair Reduction
Skin Polishing
Body Shaping
Anti Ageing Treatments
Anti Hair Fall
Pigmentation & Tanning
Pimples Treatments
Skin Radiance
Acne Scar Reduction
Chemical Peels
Special & Customize Treatments Available
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  "Skin Solutions is my favourite and result was immediately for tanning which I am prone to getting and gives me a radiant clear skin. Skin Solutions Team is very co-operative, My experience with Skin Solution thus far has been great. Wishing you all the best. "  
- Trisha
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Skin Services


It is good to exfoliate facial skin from time to time and professional microdermabrasion is one of the best ways to do this. "Microderm" is a procedure performed in many aesthetic physician offices to remove the top layer of sun-damaged and dead skin cells. While it may have little effect on deep wrinkles or major scars, getting rid of this outer layer (the stratum corneum) can be an effective way to freshen your skin and achieve a healthier, younger appearance. The simplest explanation of how the microdermabrasion process works is that an abrasive surface is used to smooth out the top layers of the skin, similar to how sand paper would be used to smooth out a piece of wood.
The idea of "sanding" your face may sound unpleasant at first but many people that have undergone the procedure describe it as a painless or even an enjoyable experience. With many day spas, medispas and salons offering this "lunchtime procedure" you may ask "Why should I go to a doctor's clinic to have microderm done?" While there is very little risk of negative side effects associated with this treatment, the capability of microdermabrasion machines has increased over time and only a trained skin expert will have the knowledge of how to get the best results. Physician supervised clinics will often combine microderm with other procedures, such as chemical peels, or products to maximize the effects, getting you the most for your money. When it comes to facial rejuvenation, a consultation with a physician trained in proper skin care is always the best advice.

It is a combination of Microdermaabrasion and glycolic acid treatment along with rehydrating mask to improve skin texture and provide hydration to the skin.

This treatment gives an instant soft, smooth and supple skin.


Acne is the most common skin disorder in the world. Acne is not a disease but rather a physiological skin condition that affects males and females of all ages, most commonly teenagers and young adults. Acne is a skin condition causing blemishes, pimples, plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), and larger lumps (nodules, cysts). It is the most common skin condition in the world. Nearly 80% of young people will face a breakout of acne. Acne affects both genders but young men are more likely to have more severe forms of acne.
Skin Solutions Pune was developed to exclusively treat all forms of acne, rosacea and acne scar repair.

Please contact us if you are facing with the following problems:

Previous medications or topical preparations have not worked.
You are embarrassed by your acne.
Your acne makes you shy around people.
You are depressed and frustrated because of your acne.
You have low self-esteem because of your acne.
You have scars from acne once the pimples clear.
You have nodules or cysts which are painful pus-filled lesions.
You have a lot of papules and pustules (red pimples).
You have a lot of comedones (whiteheads and blackheads).
You have widespread acne that involves your back and chest.
You are a female who has acne, facial hair, and irregular periods

We are having wide range of treatments, including laser hair removal, anti-wrinkl e treatment and more. Skin solutions pune offers standard medical grade treatments(YAG LASER) for laser hair removal - proven to be the most effective method of hair removal. Our simple and safe treatments offer permanent hair reduction that can be applied to any part of the body for dynamic and lasting results. Shaving and waxing may be less expensive in the short term but have their have drawbacks - including the fact that they don't last
Our clinics use The Candela GentleYAG. These are not Intense Pulsed Light devices (IPLs), which many clinics use (IPL's are not true lasers and do not have the same efficacy and safety standards). Our medical grade lasers give the best results, while still being reliable, safe and affordable.

Face :
Forehead, between eyebrows, eyebrow shape, side burns, upper lip, chin, beard, full face

Trunk :
Neck, shoulders, under arm, lower arm, full arm, back, chest, nipples, umbilical line.

Groin :
Buttocks, mini bikini, extended bikini.

Legs :
Lower legs, knees, full legs, feet, including toes
Avail 10% discount on two or more areas treated at the same time

Advantages of Ultrasound for Spot Fat reduction

Ultrasound is the only proven noninvasive technique for reducing fat in a small area of the body, long-term loss of the tummy and a more defined silhouette. It is a very specific technology that was used to produce images of internal body and more. Ultrasound is noninvasive and painless and there is no recovery / downtime after treatment. Exploiting the accuracy of ultrasound technology, leaving intact the surrounding tissue, the ultrasound therapy for spot reduction of fat will help you reach your weight loss goals.The fat layer of the skin is forced to release triglycerides, which are then removed by natural processes of the body. The fat is expelled as waste from body tissues. The result is a visible reduction in body circumference.Common areas of treatment are arms, waist, stomach, hips and thighs. In summary, weight loss and spot reduction of fat, body contouring, cavitation and thinning ultrasound therapy is not invasive, is painless, discreet, needs no recovery time and above all is very effective


Advantages of Ultrasound for Spot Fat reduction

Mesotherapy replaces the vitamins and minerals which the body loses as we age. The medications in Mesotherapy treatments cause an increase in blood circulation to the scalp area and stimulate the hair follicles. MesoHair, through micro-injections, delivers specially formulated FDA approved concoction under the scalp straight to the hair follicles. This mixture delivers long-acting neutralizing effects on the DHT hormone produced in the body, allowing for hair to grow. An excess of the DHT (dehydrotestosterone) hormone causes hair loss. This is not a cure for hair loss, but certainly a safe, simple, and cost-effective option to treat certain conditions.  MesoHair restoration therapy can in some cases eliminate the need for hair transplant. It is also used for Facial Rejuvenation, Acne Scar Treatment alone or eith other procedures like dermaroller treatment.


Advantages of Ultrasound for Spot Fat reduction

Radiofrequency( to remove Warts, Moles & Tags)
A wart is a viral infection caused by human papilloma virus. These are rough, sometimes dark coloured outgrowths commonly seen over exposed parts of the body. Warts may be of different types i.e. common warts, flat warts, genital warts. As it's an infection there are chances that it may spread from one site to other via contact As warts are infectious it is important to treat them. Treatment will help in removal of wart, at the same time it reduces the spread of virus and further appearance of warts at different sites. Physical and surgical modalities in the form of radiofrequency can be used to treat warts.

Skin tags also known as acrochordon are overgrowths of normal skin at sites like armpits, neck, face, etc. Risk of developing tags is higher in patients who are obese, or are suffering from diabetes. Number of tags in a person may vary from a very few to numerous. These are most of the time harmless. Sometimes if they grow bigger there are chances that they may get infected following a trivial trauma. So it is a better to remove them when skin lesion are small in size. Skin tags are best removed by radiofrequency. In this procedure a topical or local anesthesia is given at the site and with the help of a radio frequency probe, the tags is removed. The whole procedure is painless. Different types of Moles can be removed using same technique with cosmetically acceptable outcomes.


Chemical peel uses a chemical solution to improve the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layer. It is helpful for those individuals with facial blemishes wrinkles & uneven skin pigmentation.

What are the chemicals used in chemical peeling and in what concentrations?

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA I0%-70%), hydroxy Alpha acid (such as glycolic acid GA 20%-70%),Salicylic( beta hydroxy) acid, Carbolic acid (phenol 88%) are the most commonly used agents. Other agents like acid, Lactic acid and Resorcinol are also used. What are the skin problems where chemical peeling is helpful ?

Chemical peeling is useful in: Melasma, pigmentation (dark circles), skin discoloration like pigmentation due to sun exposure ( photo), pregnancy, birth control pills, drug reaction, post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation i.e. pigmentation as a result of a healing skin disease or infection.

Superficial scars as a result of acne, Freckles and lentigenes, Fine wrinkles, Dilated pores.

How is chemical peeling performed?

Chemical peeling is an office procedure. It does not require any hospitalization. After properly studying the skin type and its sensitivity, the dermatosurgeon decides on the type of peeling agent or agents and their concentration. The selection of the chemical agent also depends on the extent and depth of skin damage. The skin is first cleaned to remove excess oil. The peeling agent is then applied gently onto the lesion or on the full face till the 'end point' is achieved. During or shortly after the procedure, the patient might experience warmth or stinging sensation for a few minutes the procedure can be repeated after 3 weeks.

What happens after chemical peeling?

After a superficial peel, redness appears and there is peeling of skin over three to seven days. More than one sitting may be required. In the Indian skin type, only superficial and medium depth peeling is recommended.



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